TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Cliff notes on how to setup your boost
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Subject Cliff notes on how to setup your boost
Posted by Madhatter10-6 on April 12, 2022 at 9:14 PM
  This message has been viewed 244 times.
In Reply To Still a tease, but less of one. posted by Woodnutz (PA) on April 12, 2022 at 10:49 AM
1) Don’t. Just take it to a shop and make sure everything is good and dial in on a dyno.

2) If you going to move forward with this get all of your safety stuff setup and data logging switched on and then get a run in with boost control turned off…and see what that gets you and look for imbalances / issues.

3) With that all done build a map similar to this one. It’s an open loop map that will function like a closed loop. COBB runs their GTR maps this way out of the box and I run all my personal cars on a setup like this and have had great luck. The numbers in this map aren’t accurate but its just to give you an idea of the concept. Start low and slowly work up 10-20% at a time and see what the actual boost levels are and make sure that past your max desired boost level you have the percentage drop off sharp.

Hope this helps…feel free to email / call if you need further help with this.

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